The One Minute Manager Kenneth Blanchard review

The One Minute Manager Kenneth Blanchard review
The One Minute Manager Kenneth Blanchard review

The One Minute Manager Review: Improve Your Life in Just One Minute

They say life’s struggles can be just a click away, and amazingly enough, some self-help books actually deliver on that promise. In my opinion, Ken Blanchard’s ‘ The One Minute Manager ‘ is one of those books. Although published over 30 years ago, its nuggets of wisdom ring true to this day, and I’m about to share with you why.

Introduction to ‘ The One Minute Manager

I’ll start with the obvious: ‘ The One Minute Manager ‘ is authored by the renowned leadership expert, Ken Blanchard. The book deals with the timeless topic of effective management techniques and is targeted at both current and aspiring managers who wish to save time and generate maximum results. With its humble format and relatable language, its message resonates well with people from all walks of life and backgrounds, including me.

How ‘ The One Minute Manager ‘ has impacted my life

In my blogging career, I acquired newfound responsibilities that I started to grapple with managing my time efficiently, and fighting procrastination. That’s when ‘ The One Minute Manager ‘ came to my rescue. The quick and easy read is comprised of 112 pages, packed with actionable advice that directly addresses the struggles I faced, and I was amazed at how easy it was to immediately apply it at any level of the organization. From balancing honesty and kindness to giving instant feedback- this book had done wonders for me, both professionally and personally.

Three key takeaways from ‘ The One Minute Manager ‘ debunked and applied

  • Honesty is repaid in kind. The perfect balance between brushing things off for the sake of avoiding confrontation, and the tendency to unnecessarily dwell on trivial mistakes it could have a disastrous effect on your leadership effectiveness. The author emphasizes simply accepting feedback and addressing issues as they occur. This made me realize the detrimental consequences of having gaps in feedback and how candid communication squarely affects success professionally and personally. As I applied this principle, I began to see that people would come to me more, instead of shying away, realizing that conversations with me were ones of candor and constructive-ness.
  • Celebrate wins…IN A MINUTE! When recognizing someone’s hard work, often the focus is on major accomplishments; however, occasionally recognizing an individual’s significant efforts on a smaller win (even a small and recent iteration could be adequate!) and give them an appreciation-driven shout-out boosting their work efficiency surprisingly enough! Instead of waiting for growth and success, one stakeholder provides regular capabilities for empowering motivation.
  • Get them to set their goals and working toward accomplishing them on day one. Storing often a grand delegation as a facade based on inequality in time they are given from their manager to work with or due to limited constructive feedback occasions. Instead capturing gradual, quick successes along the way that leads to team advancement inspire me to drastically change. Teams or peers alike becomes endlessly provided with predefine goals for directability factor create paths to where eventual career ends up evolving instead of putting career back to catering goal creating mode which directly wastes effort and time. Hence, restructuring project issues instantly into achievable quick hits are obligatory.

Overall Impression of ‘ The One Minute Manager

Overall, I’m thoroughly impressed with ‘ The One Minute Manager ‘. What sets this management masterpiece apart is that the lessons resonate with different professions and echelons of society. In just 112 pages, the author deals out just the right remedy for many issues a manager has without dressing himself/herself down often come wrapped nicely with relatable humorous anecdotes. No tall tales! The One Minute approach was a novel and applicable is observable in other theme management books was briefly touched upon but it never gets old; accommodating win of set fast aims for each member helps the team see large developments quickly which convey to eventual promotions coming for each contributory between phases.


To sum it all up, ‘ The One Minute Manager ‘ can legitimately impact and improve every aspect of your life, both individually and in the workplace. The tips and tricks seamlessly integrate into your daily routine and result in increased productivity, a positive outlook, and an overall better experience at work. I wholeheartedly endorse this book and suggest that everyone give it a chance to embrace the conventional management styles.


Hi, I'm Jenna Steele, a self-help writer who's been on a journey of self-discovery filled with ups and downs. I've had my fair share of setbacks, but through it all, I've learned valuable lessons that have helped me develop a unique perspective on life. I enjoy sharing my insights with others, and my writing style is approachable and relatable. I'm all about practical tips and strategies that anyone can use to improve their well-being, and I'm always on the lookout for new ways to grow and learn. When I'm not writing, you might find me singing in the shower, practicing yoga (not very gracefully, I might add), or indulging in a donut (or two). I'm far from perfect, but I believe that our imperfections are what make us human and relatable. So if you're looking for a friend to guide you on your journey to self-improvement, I'm here for you. Let's learn and grow together!

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