The Code of the Extraordinary Mind Vishen Lakhiani review

The Code of the Extraordinary Mind Vishen Lakhiani review
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind Vishen Lakhiani review

The Code of the Extraordinary Mind : A Self-Help Book that will Revolutionize Your Life

Self-help books often get a reputation for being cheesy or ineffective. But what if I told you that there was one book that had the power to change your life in ways that you never thought possible? That book is The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani.

As an avid self-help book reader and influencer, I’ve read countless books on the subject. But nothing has stood out to me quite like this one. From its catchy tagline “Ten unconventional laws to redefine your life” to its thought-provoking chapters, this book will push you outside of your comfort zone and transform the way you think about yourself and the world around you.

The Main Theme of the Book

The main theme of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind is that we all have an “Brules” – or bullshit rules- we believe it’s true but are ineffective. An set of ideas, thoughts or rules towards anything that is seldom challenged in the hope you’ll forget his goals, purpose and most importantly – Soul Goal. Everyone, without a doubt, abides by these “codes” set in our deeper subconscious, which according to Lakhiani pulls us down from greatness instead of leading us towards it.

The book then offers readers an invitation to undo these believed or inherited, self–imposed codes unlocking their true or higher potential which seemed surprisingly far-fetched to the conventional thinkers out there or those who stick to single authority for personal development.

My Personal Experience with the Book

I have to admit, when I first picked up this book, I wasn’t expecting too much. After all, how different could it be from every other self-help book that I’ve read in the past?

But once I started reading, I was instantly hooked. Lakhiani’s writing style is refreshing and engaging, and his personal anecdotes and stories inject much more fun to what could’ve been a boring read. I found myself nodding along in agreement and relating to the struggles that he addressed in the book.

The Code of the Extraordinary Mind isn’t a quick read, there are tons of pages, but it is one that should be savoured not just read. To be mentored upon the same pace to like that of author and truly maximizing value for the transformation provided by such depth the author provide isn’t a small feat. It is definitely meant to consume over time, allowing you to slowly integrate the book’s concepts into your own life.

Key Takeaways from The Book

  • Lakhiani’s concept on goal setting and how we approach it, you will understand the idea of ‘3Most’ concept a fantastic significant annual goals setting

  • Decision making through ‘Human Computer’ model

  • Learning to put the concept of ‘Theory – U’ that revisits your individual passive nature outlook progressively toward deeply embracing stability thoughts that are suppress inside.

Strengths and Weaknesses of The Book: What to Expect

One of the great strengths of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind , is the way Lakhiani is blending Eastern spirituality with Western technology insights which somehow works brilliantly. Concept wise, deeper are let surfaced which instigates a desire in the reader who is looking for a book with fresh new ideas to provide you an understanding in and around the self growing horizons.

Although readers who are drawn into factual research might not appreciate as too many concepts are dished in subjectively.


Overall, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind challenged me to make a paradigm shifting. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is stuck in a rut and looking to awaken their true potential, reinvent themselves or curate a skill greater for excellence. Lakhiani’s wisdom combined with his brilliant anecdotes is something that is both entertaining and insightful.

Do not go for a nap in a loop, find its treasure reside in its rich insightful thinking.

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Hi, I'm Jenna Steele, a self-help writer who's been on a journey of self-discovery filled with ups and downs. I've had my fair share of setbacks, but through it all, I've learned valuable lessons that have helped me develop a unique perspective on life. I enjoy sharing my insights with others, and my writing style is approachable and relatable. I'm all about practical tips and strategies that anyone can use to improve their well-being, and I'm always on the lookout for new ways to grow and learn. When I'm not writing, you might find me singing in the shower, practicing yoga (not very gracefully, I might add), or indulging in a donut (or two). I'm far from perfect, but I believe that our imperfections are what make us human and relatable. So if you're looking for a friend to guide you on your journey to self-improvement, I'm here for you. Let's learn and grow together!

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